Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pauly D

Student 1 to Student 2: "Did you hear that they are making a new show about Pauly D?"

No no no nooooo my 9 year olds are NOT talking about Jersey Shore! Come on parents, have some control.


Student 1: Ms. Ferenchak, when we grow up, you'll probably be old.

Haha oh thanks.


A kid called me mom on accident and he got so embarrassed that his face turned BRIGHT red... I was like, "It's okay, it happens a lot! Don't worry!" and he just nervously giggled and turned away.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Student 1: Ms. Ferenchak, what would you do if you were a fish and fisherman was trying to catch you?
Me: I would swim away. What would you do?
Student 1: I'd steal the food and then swim away!

oh, well why didn't I think of that? lol

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Writing Letters 10 Years From Now

For writing today, I had my kids write a letter to themselves 10 years in the future (they would be 19 or 20 then). When I read their responses, I teared up! I'm a huge baby haha. I want to share some of the responses that I really liked. Some made me laugh, and some made me cry:

1. I want to be everybody's hero.
2. I will be proud of myself.
3. I hope to be a dentist. I will be well paid. Well, that's what my mom says anyway.
4. I want to be successful.
5. I will train hard and succeed to be a vet. If I fail, I will try again. I will never give up.
6. I will give my mom and dad $10,000 for all their love they gave me!
(what about throwing your 4th grade teacher some of that? haha)
7. Signed, Your Successful Self,
Student 1
8. If I don't become an artist, I want to be a character at Disneyland.
9. I will have a dog and I will not let anyone steal it.
10. I will follow all of my dreams.
11. When I am 20 years old, I want to work in the hot dogs
(haha, yum!)
12. I hope I would visit Spain.
13. I hope I don't have too much money.
(again, throw some to your 4th grade teacher!!! hahaha)
14. I hope I don't live far away from my parents.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hamster Person

Student 1: Ms. F. do you like cats?
Me: Yes, I actually have a cat, and he is very nice.
Student 1: So you're a cat person?
Me: Yep!
Student 1: I'm a hamster person.