Monday, January 30, 2012


Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, why do you have to grow up and pay bills? Why can't they be free?"

My thoughts exactly.....

Friday, January 27, 2012

Boo Fett

Student 1: "I am so excited because this weekend I am going out to eat with my family, and then to my uncle's house."
Me: "Where are you going to eat?"
Student 1: "At the buffet!" (said like "boo-fett')

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Old Quotes

Here are the quotes that I have collected so far. Enjoy!

January 6, 2012:
Student 1:" I stopped drinking coffee because I heard it makes you short, and I am tired of being short."
Me: "You're short because you're a little kid. Not because you drink coffee."
Student 1: "No, I'm serious! Everyone always thinks I'm 7 years old!"
Me: "Aren't you 9?"
Student 1: "Yes, that's such a huge difference!!!!!"

(he was really upset about this, lol.

December 13, 2011:
Me: "For your journal prompt today, you are going to write about the smells, tastes sights, sounds, and feelings of winter."
Student 1: "What do you mean the taste of winter? I don't know how winter tastes."
Student 2: "She means like what snow would taste like. Oh, but don't eat the snow if it is yellow. That means it has pee in it.

December 12, 2011:
Me: "In your book report, you will draw a picture of your favorite part of the book."
Student 1: *in sad voice* "I am going to get a bad grade on this."
Me: "Why do you think that?"
Student 1: "Because every time I draw people, they end up looking like little peanuts."

(Well, I guess it's a good thing that I don't grade on how well kids can draw people, haha. Lord knows I can't draw people either, and I'm an adult!)

December 7, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, the people at Subway make really good sandwiches!"
Me: "I used to work at Subway when I was in high school."
Student 1: "What?! They had Subway way back then?!

November 22, 2011:
Most people sit on their front or back porch watching the sunrise, people, or just reading the newspaper in the morning. I sit at my desk, looking across my classroom, and I see my students learning. This is my world. These kids are my world. Seeing a light bulb click on above their heads is what I live for. I love being a teacher.


November 16, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, what do you have under there?"
Me: "Under where?"
Student 1: "Ewwww! You said underwear!

November 15, 2011:
Student 1: "When I grow up, i want to be the president. Just like Brick Obama."

(Brick.... I guess I'm learning those students good.

November 8, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak is 33 years old."
Student 2: "No, she is 23."
Student 1: "No! She's 33!"
Student 2: "I'm pretty sure she is 23."
Student 1: "Well, she is something 3. I know that much.

November 4, 2011:
A student asked me today if she can bring Gatordays and Powerways to school to drink at lunch. Lol.

November 3, 2011:
Student 1: "I just squeeked. I think my voice is changing."

(Hahahaha, he's 8 and very tiny.

October 31, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak? Is it true that a vegetarian can go all around the world, like to Africa and Japan and help pandas and tigers and other animals?"
Me: "What? No. Vegetarians are people who don't eat meat."
Student 1: "Oh, then who goes around to help the sick animals?"
Me: "Those are called Veterinarians."
Student 1: "I think that's what I said....

October 25, 2011:
no no no no no nooooooo my kids are NOT talking about Jersey Shore. MY 9 YEAR OLD STUDENTS! What is this world coming to? Sometimes I want to slap parents. Is that bad to say?

October 21, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, do you know how to wake up Lady GaGa?"
Me: "No......"
Student 1: "Poke her face!

October 21, 2011:
Student 1: "Our feet were invented for walking. We use our feet the most. We waaaalk and we waaaalk and we walk some more."
Student 2: "No, we use our eyes the most. We are always looking at stuff."

(Personally, I'd go with the eyes too. But I didn't interrupt.... lol

October 18, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, before I knew you, and I only saw you, I thought you were one of those teachers who hit kids in the hand with a ruler."

hahaha, intimidation? I think SO!

October 7, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, are Phillies made out of chilies because they are red?

October 7, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, who is your favorite wrestler?"
Me: "I don't really have one....."
Student 1: *zips open his jacket in Superman type fashion to show me his John Cena shirt* "Yes you do! It's John Cena!

September 16, 2011:
HILARIOUS conversation with my kids this morning. They asked me what year I was born so I asked them to guess. Some of my favorite responses:
1. "1967"
2. "2009"
3. Was it in the 18's, 19's or 20's?"
4. "Why are you so old?" (LOL this one cracked me up the most)

(So then we did a subtraction problem, 2011-23 years and they figured it out. I guess they just don't have any idea about time (in years) haha. Anyway. Happy Friday!

September 15, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, if our school was Mortal Combat World, you would be a zombie teacher."

(Haha, sweeeet. Taking over the world one student at a time I guess.

September 13, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. F. my mom wants to know if I can go to the nurse at lunch because I have this big cut on my foot and I can't walk."
Me: "Then how did you get over here to my desk?"
Student 1: "I walked over here?"
Me: "Exactly. Go sit down."
Student 1: *walks away*

September 8, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, look what I got yesterday" *shows me her new backpack*
Me: "Oh! That is very nice. Where did you get it?"
Student 1: "Toys R Us. If you buy a backpack there, they give you a free lunchbox for 99 cents."

(I guess we need to work on her math skills.

September 7, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, are you married?"
Me: "No."
Student 1: "So you are single?"
Student 2: "What is single?"
Student 1: "It means she is not married. It means she is free."

(Free, haha, that's a funny way of putting it. I ♥ my kids.

September 6, 2011:
Student 1: "Ms. Ferenchak, I am going to zoo you for giving us too much homework!"
Me: "Zoo?"
Student 2: "Do you mean sue her?"
Student 1: "Yes, that's what I said, zoo."

August 30, 2011
(Our substitute computer teacher (who is pregnant) posted this on Facebook after teaching my kids today)
One of Amy Ferenchak's sweet little ones rubbed my belly and was talking to my baby today. so cute!

August 29, 2011:
*students are working silently on their spelling words*
Student 1: *raises hand* "Ms. Ferenchak, It's hot in here."
Student 2: "Why thank you!"
Me: *rolls eyes* "oh boy."
Student 3: "Ms. Ferenchak just rolled her eyes. That means she is saying, "Oh give me a break" with her eyes.

August 17th, 2011:
My kids applied for student jobs this week. One job is called Classroom Organizer and that student takes out trash, vacuums the rug, squashes bugs, etc. So this one girl puts on her application that I should pick her because she will "make our classroom shine like the sun." How cute :) she got the job.


I have been collecting quotes that my students say in the classroom. Since I have them written down in many places (slips of scrap paper, posted on my Facebook wall, written down on the Notes application in my phone) I decided that it was time to start a blog to keep all of the quotes in one place!

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed hearing them. This quote really is true, "Kids say the darndest things!"

Happy reading :)